Apply the 80/20 intensity rule to balance your workouts.

Discover a simple application that offers intensity insights into your Strava workout sessions. It allows you to track your progress on a session, daily and weekly basis, empowering you to optimize your training effectively.

What is this?

It is a simple free application that tags your Strava workouts based on your defined heart rate zones. That's it. If you are looking for professional advice, training plans, and zone calculators, I recommend visiting the 80/20 Endurance or McMillan Training Plans websites. These platforms are run by professionals who provide a wealth of related information and well-structured training plans.

The goal of the application is to keep your weekly training balance as close to the 80/20 balance as possible. By incorporating concise insights into each of your Strava workouts, you can effectively monitor your 80/20 status for individual sessions, as well as for the day and week as a whole. Maintaining an 80/20 training balance, the application helps you achieve the best possible results from each training week.

How it works?

Just wear a heart rate sensor during your workouts and connect the application to your Strava account. From there, every workout you upload will be automatically tagged with customized insights. These valuable tidbits will guide you in planning your future training sessions on a daily and weekly basis, enabling you to fine-tune your workouts for optimal effectiveness.

Let me emphasize the importance of investing in a high-quality chest strap heart rate monitor from a reputable brand when it comes to obtaining accurate data. Based on my own experience, wrist and arm optical monitors often fall short in providing the precise information you need.

Ready to try?